The fashion world is turning to the majestic, wonderfully colored birds for inspiration

Jun 19, 2008 08:45 GMT  ·  By

Although summer is now in full swing, it's always worth keeping an eye out for those gorgeous fall trends - because all of us fashion-forward ladies like to keep on top of the situation and would love to have at least a tiny clue about what autumn has in store for us, color-wise. As a result, here is a little peek into what our wardrobes might look like once the heat dims and we'll be out of our summer apparel and looking forward to the rich feast of colors that come along with the falling leaves and the chillier weather.

Under these circumstances, I have only one word for you: peacock. Think of this majestic bird and the wonderful iridescent quills in its tail and you have yourself a precious pointer for the coming fall trends. Think of the peacock as a source of inspiration on multiple plains - both with regard to color scheme and to a rather more avian and eccentric trend, that of using feathers as trimming accessories for dresses (and not only). The colors of a peacock's feathers can be considered an analogous scheme on the color wheel, a succession of cool and warm tones that start with blues, then fade into greens and gold.

So take heed, all you budding fashionistas out there: the iridescence of peacock feathers is mysterious and beautiful and we all have to come up with creative ways of allowing this color palette into our wardrobes without running the risk of overdoing it. Look for tops, shoes and accessories in jewel-tone hues: brilliant emerald, indigo and purple are in, with exotic pops of fuchsia. Turquoise is making a strong fashion statement and taking on primary focus, no longer being perceived as an accent in a color palette. All shades of blue are hot, from sky blue to deep navy. Look to the peacock plumage for inspiration, and you can't go wrong.

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Peacock shades are in this fall
Peacock colors suit accessories wevy well, too
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