A very interesting approach to this rather mundane concept

Sep 21, 2007 18:06 GMT  ·  By

Fire extinguishers have been around for quite a while now, but they're generally the exact opposite of sexy, at least from the design point of view. However, things might actually change, at least when the Home Hero hits the shelves, as this thing completely redefines the concept of fire extinguisher, as it comes in a very sleek and good-looking package.

As all of our readers probably know, fire extinguishers are large, cumbersome and difficult to use, requiring two hands to operate. HomeHero's greatest ergonomic feature is its simple, single-handed deployment. The accessible style and shape of the canister and the molded rubber grip and trigger on its handle allow the consumer to deploy the product in comfort and ease, even under the most challenging circumstances.

The device's clean design allows for prominent, unobstructed placement anywhere around the house, which leads to a decreasing of the emergency response time. Moreover, also in order to improve the response times, the device has been fitted with a highly visible safety pin, as well as with an ergonomic grip area for more intuitive and secure operation.

One of the most serious problems with normal fire extinguishers is that they tend to scratch the surface they're placed onto, not to mention the fact that they occupy quite a bit of space around the house. However, the Home Hero has an answer for these issues as well, since it sports rubber feet that protect the countertops and comes with an included bracket for wall mounting.

The device can be used on fires involving flammable liquids and/or electrical equipment and has an estimated functioning life of up to 12 years. The Home Hero Fire Extinguisher will be retailed exclusively via the Home Depot stores, but we'll have to wait some more until the manufacturer provides any significant pricing or availability information.

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The HomeHero Fire Extinguisher
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