Expand your pool's length to infinity

Apr 30, 2007 04:53 GMT  ·  By

Remember the clip of Beavis flying into a wall while playing with a treadmill? I do. That was stupid of course. But, hey, treadmill exercising sucks (yea, yea HeHeh)! No wonder smart guys easily get bored, forget to "pedal" and end up as wallpapers.

Here's a different approach to treadmills: the Home Swimmer system allows you to "swim in place"! So, if you have some issues with working out in a boring gym, this probably isn't a waste on you.

It's probably the coolest thing to add to a tiny swimming pool. Here is the gist of it. The Home Swimmer lets you tie yourself to a leash in order to swim in place, essentially expanding your pool's length to infinity (if infinity exists that is). Since it weighs 5 Lbs and comes with a carrying tote bag, you can even take it to your trips to Bora Bora, for instance. The thing can be installed in small pools and even in a "dough boy" style pool.

You can't install it in public swimming pools since it requires digging holes and mounting a pole into the ground. In order to "swim in place" you have to join the poles, attach them to the base, add straps and a belt, and off to infinity swimming you go.

The Home Swimmer sells for 70$. Damn, if Beavis were to be a real guy, he would use this to break the long distance swimming record! Neh, he would've probably preferred to swim the 4000 Km along with the hungry sharks and the horny dolphins.

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