The machine retails online

Nov 3, 2007 14:06 GMT  ·  By

Holidays are coming! It already smells like Christmas, ginger bread and snow. But, the only problem is the hot weather which makes snow a memory. With the technology nowadays, there shouldn't be any problem, as some brainy fellows managed to develop portable snow machines.

The only ones I ever seen were about the size of a car and pumped out snow for a mountain resort. This one is about the size of a boom box and can be easily carried to the place you need to create the winter atmosphere. And this is no ordinary one, but the same snow machine used by the world-renowned special effects company Thomas FX. T1 company is the same one that produces evaporative falling snow that looks, feels, and responds to ambient conditions just like the real thing. And I am already preparing by boots.

This fairytale device uses a patented snow solution and distilled water to make some realistic-looking flakes. The system incorporates 600-watt motor and integrated fan propel the snowflakes up to 30'. To make the system more comfortable to use, the makers have added a remote control. It helps the user adjusts the snow machine's output for light snowfall or heavy flurries at the touch of a button, and the insulated motor produces only 63 decibels. And it's said to be about the same as a small vacuum cleaner.

The snow machine produces snowflakes for one hour while the lightweight design ensures ease of portability. If you're interested in creating a romantic fairytale set right at home, you can go on Hammacher online web store where this great invention retails for about 1500 bucks a piece.

The package is said to include one 8-oz. bottle of concentrated snow solution to yield one gallon. It plugs into AC and measures about 21" L x 9" W x 11" H. Merry snow making everybody!

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Professional Motion Picture Snow Machine From Hammacher
They Usually Look Like This!
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