Yokohama Third Center among the industry's greenest facilities

Aug 24, 2009 15:18 GMT  ·  By

Hitachi Data Systems Corporation has announced today the opening of its green data center in Yokohama, Japan, which the company claims to be one of the most robust and reliable in the industry, occupying 10,000 square meters of total floor space. In addition, according to Hitachi, the newly opened Yokohama Third Center has been designed with power-efficient technology that is meant to deliver a benchmarking rating of 1.6 PUE (Power Usage Effectiveness), while continuing to provide high-levels of reliability, availability and data security.

“Hitachi Data Systems is focused and committed to delivering green data storage technology that infuses eco-friendly innovation across the entire portfolio of products,” said Asim Zaheer, vice president of product and competitive marketing, Hitachi Data Systems. “Many of our products like the Hitachi Universal Storage Platform V and VM and Hitachi Dynamic Provisioning, and today with the Yokohama Third Center, provide significant improvements in capacity utilization, while lowering customers’ power and cooling consumption rates.”

Hitachi talked about several key features of its Yokohama Third Center, including environmentally friendly data center, integrated control center, energy efficient facilities, natural cooling systems for lower environmental building load, robust structural design and a high level of security, necessary for such facilities. The opening of the new data center also represents an achievement for the company in its continuous support for green projects like the IT Power-saving Plan and the Eco-friendly Datacenter Project.

The new facility has been designed to meet the requirements of today's businesses, which demand technology infrastructures with a 100 percent uptime. According to Hitachi, the new Yokohama facility is robust and reliable as a Tier IV data center, consequently providing customers with a full range of flexible operation management services, including storage management. The overall design of the facility also enables a lower Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).