Nov 8, 2010 13:17 GMT  ·  By

Apparently, Hitachi has decided that it is in its best interest to spin off its storage business unit, known as Hitachi Global Storage Technologies, or Hitachi GST for short.

In the history of the IT industry, like in that of any other market, there came times when an IT player or another went through a more or less major change, whether by choice or by necessity.

Besides the obvious rise and fall of various brands, some of them were bought off and incorporated into larger ones.

Likewise, certain companies sometimes decided to drop out of a specific market segment in order to become more focused on another.

But there are also instances where a company spins off one of its business unit and lets it tend to its own business.

One example is how Seagate announced that it would become a private company, this being just one less than ordinary event on the hard disk drive market.

That said, something unusual is what has happened, or is about to happen to Hitachi, at least according to a certain report.

Apparently, Hitachi Global Storage Technologies, Hitachi GST for short, is getting ready to make its initial public offering.

This may be accomplished via a listing on the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations (NASDAQ).

The other means which, according to X-bit Labs, is being considered is a listing on the New York Stock Exchange.

The proceeds resulting from this initial public offering will be used for a variety of things, such as research and development.

Strategic activities, general corporate purposes and ongoing operating and capital expenditures are also areas where said proceeds may end up being used.

Needless to say, Hitachi and Hitachi GST will keep an eye on the capital market and economic conditions relative to when the proposed initial public offering is to occur.