Jan 18, 2011 16:02 GMT  ·  By

Indie games developer Chris Mayer has announced the release of Brain App for Mac, a desktop port of his iOS hit game Brain App XL, from which the Mac version borrows pretty much every aspect.

A new user interface has been created specifically for the Mac game, according to Mayer, who has been able to garner over 19,500 iPhone, iPod touch and iPad users in more than 50 countries.

The game poses tried and tested techniques to presents a variety of rapid-fire math problems in quick succession to exercise the brain.

"Since Brain App's release on iPhone in February 2010 the positive reviews have come flooding in, users love it and I'm thrilled with all the positive feedback on the App Store,” Mayer stated.

“I'm excited to bring the Brain App experience to the Mac App Store, and look forward to adding more features in future versions on all formats" the developer concluded.

Brain App for Mac requires Mac OS X 10.6.6 Snow Leopard, 2GB of RAM, and roughly 10MB of free hard disk space.

Version 1.0 for Mac is now available for immediate download from Apple’s Mac App Store, priced at $4.99 (USD).

Download Brain App for Mac ($4.99)

The initial release of Brain App for Mac features four brain exercise types, with more to follow as free updates, Mayer said.

The exercises are:

Speed Math - which has players solve as many equations as possible with the time limit;

Balloon Burst - players must burst the numbered balloons in order, with an advanced mode where the order in which you must pop the balloons changes mid-game;

Card Count - multiple playing cards are thrown onto the screen for players to quickly total the value of the cards (Rainman style!);

Missing Signs - given only two numbers and an answer, you must figure out if the numbers have been added, subtracted or multiplied.