What is not accessible through the menu

Jan 17, 2007 15:18 GMT  ·  By

Sometimes, software applications look like a computer game because they hide menus, options or features. The way computer games have secrets or cheats, the same way some applications encapsulate hidden resources that in a normal procedure are not revealed for the user. It's like having a car and not knowing what's under the hood. Did you know that your web browser has something to hide from you? I bet you didn't.

Mozilla Firefox is a dangerous competitor for the almost omnipresent Internet Explorer. Constantly improved over the last years, it has become a reliable alternative for the Microsoft's product. And more than that: there are so many computer users that consider it safer and faster. Well, the present article does not intend to draw a comparison between the two internet browsers. The goal of it is to show you that your favorite browser (in case Firefox is your favorite) has something to hide.

Firefox keeps some secrete configuration interfaces that are not accessible through the menu. To get to these configuration interfaces you need to type in the address bar: "about:" followed by a parameter. Here are the hidden interfaces along with their "pass keys":


Typing it simple, followed by no parameter, it will display the About information which is accessible from the menu too. Therefore, we cannot say this is a hidden feature.


This will show you information about the Mozilla Build options.


It will display cache statistics regarding the disk cache and the memory cache device. It also lets you know which is the cache directory and provides a list with cache entries. Normally, Firefox does not permit you to view cached webpages. Hence, this option is great.


This is maybe the most powerful and more complex hidden option available in Firefox. You should work carefully with these settings if you want your browser to act normally later.


As you may have guessed, this option will display detailed information about all the plugins installed for Mozilla Firefox.


By typing this command, you will get the whole list of those who struggled to bring you this amazing browser. I know this is not vital or important regarding the browser functionality, but it is good and fair to know who worked for your comfort. There are a lot of names sorted by the name initial.


Reveals the Book of Mozilla. The Book of Mozilla is a well-known computer Easter egg that was present in Netscape too. There is no real book entitled The Book of Mozilla. However, apparent quotations hidden in Netscape and Mozilla give this impression by revealing passages similar to the Book of Revelation of the Bible.

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