“It was his motivation that was really intriguing,” actor says at Berlin Film Festival

Feb 10, 2014 20:51 GMT  ·  By

Leonardo DiCaprio is getting a lot of Oscar buzz for his portrayal of Jordan Belfort in Martin Scorsese’s “Wolf of Wall Street” and, as it turns out, his performance would have probably been less memorable had it not been for one viral video of “The Drunkest Guy Ever.”

The video has been around since 2009 and it shows one obviously inebriated (or under the influence) dude walking into a Seven-Eleven to buy some beer. The whole thing, as captured by security cameras and put to music in the viral video (above) turns out to be a huge adventure.

The clip has over 3.5 million views already, and at least one of the hits came from DiCaprio himself, he admitted at the Berlin Film Festival, as research for a drug scene in the film, NineMSN reports.

“A lot of the research that I did really came from watching this one video on loop. It's called The Drunkest [Guy] in the World. It's a man trying to get a beer, but his body doesn't quite [work]. That was a huge inspiration to me,” the actor said.

“It's not just the fact that he was sort of elasticated and trying to get [up], it was his motivation that was really intriguing. He had one singular goal, one that was to get a beer out of the 7-Eleven, and it took him a half an hour,” he added.

In the “Wolf of Wall Street” scene, DiCaprio’s character loses all control over his body after taking too many pills.