Tablet expected to launch this fall, perhaps alongside the iPhone 5

Jul 9, 2012 07:02 GMT  ·  By

Despite Steve Jobs’ reluctance to kick off development of a 7-inch tablet, Apple this year seems poised to introduce a smaller iPad with a 7.85-inch display. The device is said to be produced on two separate continents.

OS X Daily points out to reports by MacStories and MacRumors, who have put together mockups of what an iPad mini could look like.

The tablet indeed makes sense for reading, gaming, and even movie watching on the go, and its portability cannot be challenged, should it be as thin as the iPod touch (as rumors say it will).

Apple wouldn’t have problems scaling down iOS’s graphics either, as the display would incorporate 1024 x 768 pixels, like the original tablet.

Forcing this resolution into the reduced real estate would probably result in some crisp graphics, though nothing too close to what we call Retina-grade today.

Apple last week was said to have ordered production of its iPad “mini,” reportedly telling Chinese partners to start machining the chassis. The device is supposedly being assembled in Brazil, at Foxconn’s factories that handle current-generation iPhone and iPad production.

It is worth pointing out that, despite all these rumors (which seem to be quite consistent with one another), former Apple CEO Steve Jobs said in a conference call that he didn't believe the 7-inch form factor would provide a good tablet experience:

“We're not not making a 7-inch tablet because we don't want to hit a lower price point. We just believe it's too small to hit the user experience people want. When we make decisions, it's not about cost, it's about value when you factor in the software. We're all about the best products at aggressive prices.”

The iPad mini, should it be confirmed, could be unveiled alongside the iPhone 5 and iOS 6 this fall.

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