All you have to do is drop by Instructables and read a few instructions

Jun 10, 2014 13:59 GMT  ·  By

The coolest thing about the Internet is how easily information can be spread around. Especially through websites dedicated for this particular purpose.

Instructables is one of the best known such websites, containing blueprints and directions for making almost everything you can imagine.

One of the latest projects that got uploaded there shows you how to make a coffee machine from recycled materials and using some 3D printed parts.

It's not as amazing as having the entire thing 3D printed, and the result does look a bit rough around the edges, but if you're a budding inventor, it would do great as practice.

Besides, why pay $20 / €20 when you can make the item for free, from stuff you just have lying around in your garage or workshop.

The user who came up with everything goes by the name of Siemenc. His guide is pretty detailed, walking you through the sand casting of the aluminum parts (around a 3D printed mold), showing you how to melt down scrap in a furnace, how to use plastic to house the heating element, etc.

Finally, the filament he used was made from recycled things, and was provided by Filabot. And the best part? Everything described on Instructables is open-source, so you won't have any issue getting info on other additions and projects if you're interested.