Several companies said to Dailymotion

Sep 5, 2007 09:40 GMT  ·  By

The online video sharing platform Dailymotion received no less than $34 million in funds from several companies in order to become more powerful and to compete with the famous YouTube. Among the investors, we can mention AGF Private Equity and Advent Venture Partners, two companies that aim to fight with the super giant Google for the supremacy of the online video sharing market. Just like YouTube, Dailymotion has an impressive collection of clips, being available in several regional flavors including Japan, Russia, Germany and China. Obviously, because it is a Paris-based firm, Dailymotion is one of the top websites in France with millions of users every day.

"Starting at 54.7 million unique visitors in February, the European audience for YouTube's properties rose steadily to 72.2 million in July. Dailymotion's visitor numbers also rose initially, from 11.8 million in February to 16.3 million in May, but then they stalled, declining to 14.7 million in July. German site also grew, but more slowly, from 9.1 million visitors in February to 10.3 million in June, the same number it attracted in July," PC World analyzed the Dailymotion numbers.

Just like YouTube, Dailymotion is afraid of copyright infringement complaints and it announced that it will bundle the Audible Magic technology that will help the online video sharing avoid publishing copyright protected clips. It was also rumored that YouTube plans to implement the same solution so the competition will get even tougher.

However, Google's video sharing service is still the leader of the category and managed to face the competition even top brands such as Sony attempted to steal its leader place. As you might have heard, Sony released eyeVio, a YouTube-like video sharing platform that targets the same category of users as Google. Although everybody described the product as a potential YouTube killer, Sony made the product available only to the Japanese users.