Hunt the soldiers

Feb 16, 2009 16:31 GMT  ·  By

Sony hasn’t been going through a good financial situation lately, but that hasn't stopped it from heavily investing in titles set to be exclusive to its console. Among them, the most expected one is Killzone 2, the sequel to a very popular shooter made for the PlayStation 2.

This promises to bring back the same high paced battle sequences and to throw in some stunning high quality graphics, as humans struggle to invade the planet Helghan, defended by the Helghast Army. The trademark glowing orange-eyed soldiers will not only limit their appearance to Killzone 2 though, as it now seems that some of them will be popping up on PlayStation Home, the online network created by Sony so that PS3 users will interact with their friends.

The soldiers will be part of a special promotion made by Sony, which is the publisher of Killzone 2, and will offer demo codes for North American residents that have a somewhat awkward demo release schedule, meaning that their European counterparts are already getting a taste of the game, while they have to wait a bit. When you spot these soldiers in Home, just go to them and ask them whether they have any code left. If so, they will message you with it and you will be able to access the PlayStation Store to redeem it and get a taste of the upcoming game.

This grand marketing scheme is Sony's way of implementing its future blockbuster titles into almost any service it owns. Don't forget that, to promote Capcom's Resident Evil 5 and Street Fighter IV, it introduced special content to Home in order for players to have more reasons to buy them.

Hopefully, this will be a successful move for the company and Home will see characters from different video games strolling through the online social network.