The Indian researchers say

Oct 29, 2005 11:03 GMT  ·  By

As we announced in a previous article, sperm is influenced by many factors, among which are air pollution and marijuana.

According to the new study, heavy drinking also has a negative influence on the sex life and on the sperm's quality.

Indian researchers have discovered that men being treated for alcoholism had lower testosterone levels and more sperm abnormalities than non-drinkers did. In addition, a significant percentage, 71%, suffered from a far higher rate of erectile dysfunction. Men with low levels of testosterone have shrunken testicles and enlarged breasts.

"Men are advised to refrain from chronic alcohol consumption if they want to procreate and lead a normal sex life," the researchers conclude in the medical journal Fertility & Sterility.

According to the researchers, these findings likely reflect direct damage to the testicles caused by excessive alcohol consumption. Alcohol, Muthusami said, enters the testicles directly and can both cut testosterone production and harm the quality of semen.

However, moderated alcohol consumption doesn't affect the sex life or the sperm composition.