It took him a while, but he finally got there

Jan 20, 2015 13:31 GMT  ·  By

A Hearthstone player wanted really, really bad to become a game designer for Blizzard, so he embarked on a harrowing journey that eventually saw him being eligible for the position.

The player, going by the name of Schaard, satisfied many of the prerequisites of the position but failed a single crucial one, having achieved Legendary status in Hearthstone or a Top 8 in a Magic: The Gathering Pro Tour.

Since getting to Legend rank is much easier (and cheaper) than taking on the hugely competitive Magic: The Gathering scene, Schaard got to work and slowly but steadily climbed the ranks until he reached his target.

His story, however, starts a few years back. In a thread on Reddit, he revealed that he used to be super competitive in pretty much everything in his youth, from Starcraft to Counter-Strike, going through Magic: The Gathering and "all Warhammers," but that his competitive streak was then replaced by a more pensive approach that made him consider game design as a career.

He became a legend in more than rank

In case you're wondering just how he would approach card design when given the chance, there's an example of a very interesting card in the gallery below.

"In future Hearthstone development, I'd like to see them further differentiate themselves from non-digital card games. Though I know a lot of people complain about the RNG aspects of Goblins and Gnomes, I think it was a great design call because it does things that non-digital card games simply can't do. And that's very exciting to me," Schaard shared.

You can find the deck he used on imgur and see the video covering his five-month journey below. Evidently, he used handlock to get the job done.

A Hearthstone player's adventure (3 Images)

The elusive Legend rank
An interesting designThe winning decklist
Open gallery