
Jan 27, 2006 11:21 GMT  ·  By

According to several bloggers who were present when Microsoft introduced them at its Search Champs event, new features included in Windows Live are in "gadget" form. This new gadget that recommends TV shows and the integration of images into RSS feeds. Microsoft uses the term "gadget" to refer to mini-applications, usually appearing as a small screen, that are available on a desktop or Web page and provide a shortcut to useful information or some other user enhancement to an application or service.

The software giant plans on having more gadgets do different jobs, one can even drag-and-drop them between and the Windows desktop, bloggers wrote. This same feature will be included in Windows' upcoming version of Vista, to be released the second half of this year.

As an event to solicit feedback from industry experts on Microsoft'snewest technology, Search Champs is in its third year. A thing that stood out was the fact that the introduction of the new Windows Live features were not spotlighted in the open. Microsoft would not comment further on the Windows Live enhancements, a spokeswoman said. At the same time, she did not deny that the information posted on the blogs was accurate.

MacManus, a current blogger for has been following the trends of Windows Live and has recently posted about "Another new feature, that is actually being released tomorrow, is images integrated within RSS feeds. It's just a minor enhancement, to make the current bland homepage a little more colorful. Which it needs :-)"

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