In a new YouTube 101 series aimed at new users

Feb 25, 2010 14:23 GMT  ·  By

YouTube is one of the largest websites on the planet and there aren't that many Internet users who haven't seen a video on it. Five years after being launched, YouTube still thinks some people may not be all that familiar with the site, so it has launched a series of videos, dubbed YouTube 101, aimed at the less experienced users.

"If you subscribe to the YouTube channel, you may have noticed a slew of new videos uploaded recently. They're part of an initiative called 'YouTube 101,' a series that explains basic features to new users," Mia Quagliarello, YouTube's community manager, wrote.

"With hundreds of thousands of people creating new YouTube channels every day, there are a lot of folks out there who may not know that they can share a video privately, customize their channel or even how to upload a video -- in full HD, no less. Each video has a unique flavor and you may even recognize some familiar faces helping us out (Happy Tree Friends, anyone?)," she added.

YouTube has been adding these educational videos to its own channel and there are more than a dozen at the time, each with its own, unique style. You can learn about subscriptions from the Happy Tree Friends or find out the ninja way of privately sharing a video. Most of the basic subjects are covered, from uploading a video to creating playlists.

The videos will be made available in various places on YouTube, like the Help Center or the Creator's Corner, to help out users just starting out in the wonderful world of online videos. And YouTube is not done yet, more videos are coming covering other topics. The site is also inviting users to say what they'd like to learn about and, maybe, if enough people ask for it, YouTube will do a video on that too. Here's a couple of the instructional videos below.