Grumpy Cat spent her birthday touring New York City

Apr 7, 2014 06:33 GMT  ·  By

Most of you probably remember Grumpy Cat, the moggy that became an Internet sensation after owners Bryan and Tabatha Bundesen uploaded pictures of her to Reddit. Well, the famous permanently grumpy-looking feline has just turned two and has celebrated her birthday by touring New York City with an escort that would make any Hollywood star jealous.

The popular cat, whose real name is Tardar Sauce, has changed the lives of her owners, as she cashed in big time on the Internet users' obsession with felines. Her downward smile and enormous baby blue eyes have brought her more than 4.7 million likes on Facebook and 192.000 Twitter followers so far.

Moreover, Grumpy Cat struck commercial licensing deals for different products. She now has her own line of caffeinated drink, called “Grumppuccino,” is the official image for some Friskies products, and is the subject of a best-selling book available in 14 languages.

And that’s not all. Rumors say that everyone's favorite unhappy feline now has a movie project in the works, so her popularity is likely to grow in the future.

As for her birthday, she lamented about how horrible it was on Instagram, posting a photo accompanied by the message: “Thanks for the Bday card, it made great cat litter.”

Despite her constantly unhappy look, her owners say Grumpy is actually a happy cat and explain that her peculiar facial expression is due to feline dwarfism.

Fans who want to meet Grumpy Cat “in person” can apply to Friskies’ 1 million frowns challenge to win a trip to her official “Super Terrible 2” birthday party on April 29 in New York City.