NullCrew once again claims to have breached the systems of the organization

Sep 17, 2012 06:57 GMT  ·  By

NullCrew hackers once again claim to have breached the systems of Cambridge University. They leaked 4,306 entries from a database table to attract the attention of the educational institution’s representatives.

The records comprise usernames and, in some cases, encrypted password, apparently stolen from Cambridge University Press.

“We warned you Cambridge, and we gave you 24 hours to tweet and DM us. Apparently, it was too difficult to do so. So unfortunately for you, we are dumping more databases. Today we will only give up some data, to get the attention of Cambridge University,” the hackers wrote next to the dumped data.

“Keep in mind, you can take the subdomain offline, but we have all the data saved, so you're [expletive]no matter what you do. If you don't take our demands seriously this time, more data will be dumped. If you keep ignoring us, we will keep dumping.”

They claim that only a few encrypted passwords were made public because they don’t want to cause damage. Instead, they want to attract the attention of the university to get them to address the issues.

They threaten that more information will be leaked if the university fails to respond to them.

According to Varsity, a Cambridge CERT representative has confirmed that the data is in fact from Cambridge University Press.

“This is a publicity-seeking enterprise. The university is making sure that no-one’s personal security is harmed by this,” a university spokesperson said, according to Cambridge News.

This is not the first time when NullCrew targets the organization. At the end of August, they showed their support for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange by hacking into the number of subdomains owned by the institution.

At the time, an investigation performed by Cambridge didn’t find any evidence that email login credentials were compromised.