eBay says the matter is small

Oct 9, 2007 09:51 GMT  ·  By

eBay is just like the Pentagon, every week there is news of some hackers targeting them and doing something pretty bad. Several days ago, a data leak on eBay's forum made the news - some hacker posted sensitive data belonging to a lot of users on it (the forum). Also, eBay has acknowledged more than once that they are daily hit by hackers but that they repel the bad guys most of the times and upgrade their security module.

So, what's the latest news regarding eBay hacks? Well, as NetworkWorld informs, a malicious hacker broke into an eBay server on Friday and temporarily suspended the accounts of a "very small" number of members.

eBay spokesman Nicola Sharpe stated for the same site that they were able to block the fraudster quickly before any permanent damage had been done. She also said that he got no access to any sensitive info.

Also, after facing this issue and restoring the account to the way they were, eBay also contacted the affected users and explained what had happened. Now this is a great example of upholding cyber-security - everyone knows that there is no such thing as 100 percent safe, but curbing vulnerabilities as much as possible and properly enacting on hacks is surely an example to be taken!

However, users have not taken this lightly. It's not everyday that your eBay account with which you were conducting some financial operations gets reinstated. Here, click this link to see a discussion about this on the forum. Some people are a bit steamed up, but I think that they need to understand cyber-security is an on-going process, not a destination. There is nothing bad that I could say about eBay on this matter; things could have been far worse than this, but luckily, the eBay cyber-security team was vigilant!