Might arrive at T-Mobile or Vodafone

Dec 21, 2009 15:44 GMT  ·  By

The latest rumored Android-based handsets that turned the blogosphere upside down is the Nexus One by HTC, a new mobile phone that was said to be the Google Phone itself. Running under the Android 2.1 version of the operating system and expected to arrive on the US market on the airwaves of T-Mobile, the phone is also said to be on its way to the UK market.

It seems that Google is already working on having the device available in more markets than the US, and The Guardian reports now that the search engine-based company has approached wireless operators in the UK for the release of the said phone. T-Mobile and Vodafone would be possible carriers for the Nexus One, which seems to shape itself as the real challenge for the iPhone.

For what it's worth, a wide range of enthusiasts were rejoicing when the Nexus One aka Google Phone emerged about a week ago, yet as more details on it surface, some drawbacks were also mentioned. Among them, the fact that the phone might not come to the market with multi-touch capabilities, even if its hardware features support for the functionality. That certainly does not seem to be something that an iPhone killer would lack, one should agree.

One way or the other, the handset still seems to be a great addition to HTC's Android lineup. The new version of Android is said to be capable of delivering an enhanced experience when compared to what is already available on the market, while HTC's Sense UI should add something extra. In other words, Nexus One by HTC is to become a real iPhone rival.

If we were to refer only to what NBC's 'Saturday Night Live' says on the iPhone, then Nexus One is not the only challenge Apple's device faces, though it might not be the first time some hear this (maybe in other words, though meaning the same): “It was reported this week that Google would soon launch its own cellphone as a challenge to the iPhone. Also a challenge to the iPhone? Making phone calls.” Take a look at the video below to hear them saying it.