The issue is software related, a solution is in progress

Jul 8, 2010 10:27 GMT  ·  By

After multiple users have reported that HTC EVO 4G seems to suffer from a weird 30FPS limitation, HTC decided to give a full explanation on the subject. Attending an HTC Aria event in Chicago, editors from AndroidGuys managed to talk about the issue with an official from HTC's Media Relations department, who was kind enough to unravel the mystery.

The said official stated that the frame rate cap was something imposed by the hardware embedded, namely by EVO's HDMI port, which requires a big chunk of the processor's power to operate within the parameters. This means that it limits by default the processor's output to meet the HDMI port demands, even though this is not in use. Fortunately, the core of the problem is software related, so a solution that would correct this issue is possible.

The Taiwanese company also claims that most users will not even notice the 30FPS limitation, because the majority of movies are filmed at either 24FPS or 30FPS. Still, there remains the problem of lagging transitions between home screens, as well as the slow browser scrolling, which is more annoying than it may seem.

Taking into consideration that HTC EVO 4G's HDMI port will most likely be less used than other common features, like Internet browsing, gaming or simply managing the phone's screens, it is obvious that the issue needs to be corrected as soon as possible.

Until HTC releases a fix for the 30fps cap, many enthusiast techies will probably start working on the problem and offer more or less viable solutions. Let's hope that HTC EVO 4G won't be throttled down for too long and the Taiwanese company will react quickly addressing this issue.