As a result of complaints

Mar 30, 2005 23:11 GMT  ·  By

PDA's death is a relatively slow, but certain process. Producing these devices is no longer justified, since most of their functions have been included to smart phones which are less massive and have increased performance.

Because of the complaints received from users, the T-Mobile phone operator recently announced the withdrawal of the HP iPaq H6315 PDA. After emptying their accounts of 600 $ for buying this gadget, the owners of the H6315 model have discovered several flaws.

An updated ROM version will be available on HP's site, but before its release, the cell phone operator and HP avoid selling the product.

Initially designed to compete with the smart phone Treo, the iPaq model was added cell phone functions, a GSM/GPRS modem and an 802.11b. wireless solution. The only problem is that iPaq H6315 has malfunctions and is not as "smart" as a smart phone.

The users complain that the cell phone function has some issues regarding the sudden disconnection of the call. The GPRS and Bluetooth connectivity is not excelling either and that's another reason why users are anxious for ROM update release.

Many users have got bored or refuse to wait for the update's release and have taken immediate advantage of T-Mobile's offer to replace defective terminals. In this way, subscribers can opt for the PalmOne Treo 600 model, with specifications comparable to the ones of the HP model, which doesn't have malfunctions.