May 16, 2011 18:41 GMT  ·  By
Gwyneth Paltrow says she has the perfect hangover cure: cold shower and sauna
   Gwyneth Paltrow says she has the perfect hangover cure: cold shower and sauna

If you ever thought that Gwyneth Paltrow is uptight and would never be caught on the wrong footing – on anything –, you were wrong. In a recent interview cited by Us Magazine, the star sets out to put to rest some misconceptions where she’s concerned.

For instance, if you have the occasional morning when you wake up hung over from a night of wild partying (and an even wilder drinking session), Gwyneth has the answer.

The actress, who says Guinness and red wine are her favorite alcoholic treats, claims she never gets the dreaded hangover from too much drinking because she’s discovered the perfect “cure” for it.

“I have a great hangover cure. I take a cold shower in the morning and then I go into the sauna and drink a lot of water throughout the day. Green tea also helps!” Paltrow explains.

Of course, mere mortals would have to put in the extra effort to actually get out of the house to go to the sauna, because Gwyneth probably has her own sauna room in her house – but she promises it works.

In the same interview, the Oscar-winning actress stresses she’s not as uptight as some media and a large portion of the public believe she is.

For that matter, she can’t even understand how they came to believe that.

“The biggest misconception about me is that I am uptight. I don’t know why that exists, but I hope if people watch Glee that maybe they will develop a different impression of me,” she says.

Fans of the star know that, thanks to her website GOOP, she’s always ready to hand out useful advice on a wide range of topics, from beauty tips and homemade products, to how to dress your children for school, how to throw a party and, of course, how to cook the perfect meal.