Hold on to you hats, Paltrow just keeps saying more and more outrageous stuff like that

Jun 5, 2014 06:54 GMT  ·  By

It's been months since she's “consciously” uncoupled from husband Chris Martin, frontman for the rock band Coldplay. Since then, she's made the news with some very weird statements which would point to the fact that the Hollywood actress has a lot of free time on her hands and also doesn't have the first clue about everyday problems.

After she's compared hateful comments on the internet to being in a warzone and after she complained that her famous lifestyle takes more out of her than a normal 9 to 5 job would, she now wants to draw attention to the fact that water, too, has feelings.

On her lifestyle website Goop, the actress writes “I am fascinated by the growing science behind the energy of consciousness and its effects on matter. I have long had Dr. Emoto's coffee table book on how negativity changes the structure of water, how the molecules behave differently depending on the words or music being expressed around it. Below, Dr. Sadeghi explores further. ”

Again with this consciousness thing. Paltrow really seems to be into that spiritual thing and she's beating everyone on the head with that, trying to get the world to pay attention to some weird theories.

This doctor she's referring to in her quote is Japanese, by the name of Masao Emoto, and he's published several books in which he tries to explain that human consciousness can change the structure of water. His most famous experiment was to yell repeatedly at rice grains to see if the negativity affected their molecular structure.

Paltrow enlists the help of Dr. Habib Sadeghi, whom she's worked with on her spiritual weight loss book. The doctor confirms that “energy generated by positive or negative words can actually change the physical structure of an object.”

Basically, that means that everything around us, including rocks and dirt, has feelings and can be hurt by waves of negativity. While fascinating, the theory doesn't hold water with the scientific community, but Gwyneth is keen to prove to the world that there is another realm, beyond our own, on a higher spiritual plane.

You can draw your own conclusions, but for argument's sake, please keep in mind that this is the same woman that compared internet criticism to war. That war is ironic because all she managed to elicit was even more internet hate for her outrageous comparison.

A former Green Beret took to responding to her comments in an open letter. “I can only imagine the difficulty of waking up in a 12,000 square foot Hollywood home and having your assistant retrieve your iPhone, only to see that the battery is low,” Sergeant First Class Bryan Sikes wrote to the actress.