Nov 25, 2010 09:09 GMT  ·  By

Activision, as the publisher, and Coca Cola, as a promotional partner, have announced that they are joining forces to release additional tracks for two music based titles, DJ Hero 2 and Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock, with the new offerings being free for one week.

In order to get the codes for both DLC packs gamers will need to log into two sites that are hosting the promotion.

DJ Hero 2, the turntable based mix game, will be getting the Tiesto Mix Pack, made up of:

“Traffic” mixed with “Louder Than Boom” “Feel It In My Bones” ft. Tegan & Sara “Knock You Out” ft. Emily Haines mixed with “Young Lions”

The Tiesto pack is offered on Xbox Live for the Xbox 360, on the PSN for the PS3 and as single on the Nintendo Wii.

Those who aren't much interested in the dancing scene and would like some rock tunes to play need to look to Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock, which will be getting a My Chemical Romance Track Pack, consisting of:

“Bulletproof Heart” 'Helena” “Teenagers” 'Welcome To The Black Parade”

The songs come just as the band is getting ready to release their new album, called “Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys”.

When the Coca Cola promotion runs out gamers will be able to get the Tiesto Mix Pack for 640 Microsoft Points on the Xbox Live Marketplace and for 7.99 dollars on the PS3.

The My Chemical Romance pack will also be offered for 600 Microsoft Points and 7.49 dollars.

The songs can also be downloaded individually.

Both Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock and DJ Hero 2 have seen disappointing sales for publisher Activision, suggesting that neither series will get any more installments.

With Rock Band developer Harmonix for sale Activision might look to buy the company to make its music simulation series attractive again.