Just in time for its fourth birthday

Apr 27, 2009 06:29 GMT  ·  By

Online games have become some of the most profitable titles currently found on the gaming market. One needn't look farther than Blizzard's massively successful World of Warcraft MMORPG, which is making a huge amount of money for the company.

But another very popular MMORPG is Guild Wars, which is developed by ArenaNet and published by NCsoft. The two companies have now announced that the franchise has surpassed six million units sold ever since it was released back in 2005. This landmark has arrived just in time, as, on April 28, the franchise will be celebrating four years since the release of the first title.

“We are humbled by how gamers have responded to Guild Wars over the past four years, and we are proud that the game and its community have helped to continually shape, define, and expand the genre,” ArenaNet studio head Mike O’Brien said. “Our subscription-free business model has proven to be a big hit with gamers, bringing an enormous and diverse online community to the game.”

In honor of these two events, the team at ArenaNet has announced that a major content update will be released to all subscribers, which will comprise brand new quest content and extra storage options. More details on the festivities that will take place on April 28 can be found at this website.

All in all, considering the popularity of Guild Wars and the big number of fans, these festivities will certainly be something that a lot of subscribers won't miss for the world. The game impressed through its solid features and the high degree of customization, prompting a lot of critics to say it could've rivaled WoW in terms of fanbase, but the popularity of Blizzard couldn't be matched at that time. Looking forward to tomorrow, when the festivities will begin.