The game will make the experience fun for all players

Aug 3, 2012 08:34 GMT  ·  By

The upcoming Guild Wars 2 MMO from ArenaNet sets out to change a number of core concepts about the genre and one of the biggest evolutions is linked to the Player versus Player arena, where gamers will be able to derive enjoyment from the start.

As part of an interview Jonathan Sharp, who is a game designer working on Guild Wars 2, stated that, “Yes, we are staying with this philosophy. We feel it’s crucial to the success of Guild Wars 2’s PvP. We want new players to come into the community and be able to focus on learning the game, not grinding in an effort to ‘prepare to have fun’.”

He added, “We want you having fun as soon as possible in PvP. We offer aesthetic rewards, but never power rewards. You will never be at a statistical disadvantage when playing PvP—if anything, being a new player will get even easier down the road as we add more features.”

The concept behind ArenaNet’s take on Player versus Player is that any player should have a chance to kill any other as long as he is skilled and has the ability to read the movements of his opponent.

The Player versus Player mode will also benefit from a number of events and new features after the launch of Guild Wars 2.

The ArenaNet game is unusual in the MMO genre because it does not ask players to pay a monthly subscription.

Instead, those interested need only to pick up the packaged game and they will have access to its world for as long as they are interested.

The company plans to keep deriving revenue from the game by simply launching more content packs further down the line, a business model that has worked very well for Guild Wars back in 2005.