The game will be better suited for eSports events after they launch

Apr 24, 2013 14:18 GMT  ·  By

The development team at ArenaNet announces that it is planning to introduce two new features to its MMO Guild Wars 2 starting with April 30, allowing gamers to create their own custom arenas and adding a new spectator mode.

Both mechanics are designed to increase the appeal of the game to those who want to use it for eSports and at first, they will only be offered in beta state to a limited number of players.

Steve Bikun, a server programmer at ArenaNet, states on the official Guild Wars 2 blog that, “We’re giving the top 50 QP ladder players in both North America and Europe a custom arena! We’ll also be giving custom arena kits to select media sites.”

The post also talks about the various options that arenas will have in the MMO.

Kits will be sold in the official store once both the new features are out of beta stage.