This innovative piece of furniture is quite easy to manufacture and incredibly comfortable

Oct 25, 2012 15:10 GMT  ·  By

Greenheads all across the world are well aware of the fact that wasting resources is not recommended, and even frowned upon, and that plastic bags harm the environment more than one could imagine.

Therefore, they are bound to like the idea of taking plastic bags and using them to manufacture a green-oriented piece of outdoor furniture.

To cut a long story short, it seems that all it takes is about 500 plastic bags, some ropes and a certain amount of skill, and each citizen who has some concern for the wellbeing of the natural world can manufacture his/her very own hammock.

Apparently, these hammock chairs are incredibly comfortable and can support about 220 pounds (99.79 kilograms), which is quite impressive seeing how they are made of plastic.

A complete list of materials and manufacturing instructions is made available here.