“Slow and steady wins the race,” strong evidence suggests

Sep 14, 2012 07:13 GMT  ·  By

One thing that needs be remembered by those wanting to embrace a more environmentally-friendly lifestyle is the fact that green living is not just about saving the planet, but also about keeping fit.

Besides paying close attention to what you put in your mouth, physical exercise should be a no-brainer.

Just in case one decides to opt for jogging, here are a few tips which will help you not give up on this activity after just a week or so.

First of all, if you are not used to it, start slow. 10-15 minutes per day, every couple of days, should do the trick and help you build up your strength so that later on you may tackle longer distances.

Also, if you feel like your body is about to give up on you, simply alternate walking with running: steady pace for one or two minutes, full speed for 50-60 seconds.

Most importantly: warm up before your start jogging, and make sure you are wearing the single most comfortable pair of shoes you can find.

Just for the record, jogging has been scientifically proven to prevent osteoporosis, diabetes and heart disease, not to mention it tends to get people in incredibly good moods.