The 31-year-old was charged with fraud but still says she didn't do anything wrong

Nov 29, 2013 07:37 GMT  ·  By

La'Reese Michelle Darville was charged with fraud after throwing herself a luxurious $50,000 (€37,000) wedding at the Seminole Hard Rock Casino in Florida paid with the company's credit card.

She was working at Partners III Pawn Shop in Port St Lucie, Florida as an operations manager and had unquestioned access to the company's balance, according to CBS. After working there for almost eight years, with her dad being one of the bosses, the woman saw herself entitled to spend money from the company's budget.

The credit card was used to pay for extravagant floral displays, professional photographer and make-up, a fancy ballroom for the ceremony and an incredible reception dinner. The woman went all the way to celebrate the important event charging a total of $49,286 (€36,208) from the Pawn Shop's credit card, with only $10,000 (€7,345) authorized by her father.

Darville confessed to fraud and was released on bail, telling law enforcement officers that it was just a loan. She believes she didn't do anything wrong and has no regrets, because employees borrow money from the company all the time. “This is definitely a mix-up that did not have to come to this and anybody who knows me they know better,” the woman told CBS.

Police were informed about the fraud by one of the affected company's owners who got notices about late payments on a credit card that was supposed to be unused. Michelle insists that the issue with the credit card was just a big misunderstanding and that she paid back the Partners III Pawn Shop, but she doesn't have any proof of it.

This is not the first time an excited bride-to-be steals money from her bosses to pay for a dream wedding. Kirsty Lane went over the top with her lavish wedding when she stole $278,000 (€204,000) from the firm she was working in.

Her wedding easily topped Darville's, spending on award-winning chef catering, free bar, personalized fireworks display, jewel-encrusted iPods and the perfect honeymoon. The greedy bride was caught before leaving for her honeymoon in Mexico and charged with audacious fraud.