Feel Granular.

Jul 4, 2007 07:53 GMT  ·  By

Granular 0.90, codenamed Esto Vello, has just been released as a final version. This release comes to meet the suggestions and feedback supplied by the Granular users, including some other improvements, too.

Based on the PCLinuxOS distro, Granular Linux was designed as an easy-to-use version designed mostly for newbies in the Linux area but also for other common users. The distro comes with both KDE and the XFCE desktop environments support. It has LiveCD features, therefore you can try it and make an idea about the look-and-feel before installing it on your machine. As it comes out from the distro's website, this 0.90 release is wanted as a polished release of Granulat, standing out mostly through the enhancements brought in the UI area, where the user-friendliness level has been increased.


- neat, clean and a refreshing look-and-feel - more user-friendliness - set of applications carefully selected to cover all basic areas - more stable and feature-rich than the previous version

Granular Linux's tools and applications aim to cover areas such as Internet, Office, Multimedia, Games, usually those that are necessary for a common user. Therefore, you won't find here sophisticated development tools, but you'll be surprised by the amount of cute media players such as Amarok, VLC player, XMMS or Kaffeine. For photo editing and managing you have GIMP and DigiKam & Showphoto. The office suite comes in its classic formula, taking in: KWord Word Processor, KSpread Spreadsheet application, KPresenter Presentation application and KPDF PDF reader, for KDE. Regarding the applications designed for Internet usage, there are plenty of them. You'll find Mozilla Firefox as default web browser, the Kopete multiprotocol IM for chatting, Mozilla Thunderbird as email client, gFTP, KGet ftp respectively HTTP clients and other applications such as Putty for remote control, Krdc, Krfb networking applications, K3b CD/DVD authoring tool, Granular Control Center - the Mandrake Control Center customized for Granular and many others.