Singer performs new single “Roman Holiday,” puts on incredible show

Feb 13, 2012 10:35 GMT  ·  By

When Nicki Minaj took to the stage at the Grammy Awards 2012, all hell broke loose. Here is a performer who doesn't shy away from potentially incendiary topics – and who, to boot, can put on the most incredible shows ever.

Minaj recited the first verses of her latest single “Roman Holiday,” pretending she was confessing to a priest.

A short film played afterwards, “The Exorcism of Roman,” an obvious re-imagination of the classic horror film “The Exorcist,” starring Nicki's alter-ego Roman.

This set the stage for Nicki's extraordinary performance: one on which she was accompanied by dancing monks, praying altar boys, a church choir, curvaceous female dancers writhing on the floor and, last but not least, a floating platform.

The entire segment was choreographed by Laurieann Gibson and was truly a sight to behold.

Check it out below – and drop us a line if you liked it. Or even if you didn't.