Everything we have to know about the game

Jul 24, 2008 07:48 GMT  ·  By

Games in the Gothic series have always been highly appreciated, even though many people complained because of the bugs and glitches found in each title. However, this does not mean that all the games are quite brilliant and each sequel announced by JoWood is highly anticipated.

If you are a fan of the franchise, you probably know that, until Gothic 4 gets released, we're going to receive an addon named Forsaken Gods. JoWood has just launched the cover art for the title (you can see it in the upper left corner) and final details on the title.

A very important thing is the fact that Forsaken Gods comes as a standalone version, which means that you don't specifically need the Gothic 3 disc to play it. Also, the addon will act as a bridge connecting the universe as we know it in Gothic 3 to the story we're going to get in the fourth title of the series, which means that it's a must have for fans who want to keep updated with the state of the Nameless Hero. Forsaken Gods will include new quests, monsters and many of the old friends gamers around the world got to know in the previous episodes, as well as hard to kill foes.

Among the new features we should expect from the addon, there is a brand new and realistic environment which reacts to our actions and manages to create a very intense atmosphere. Since the graphical engine was updated, we should expect improved visuals and an enhanced user interface, as well as better combat system with new rules (we would've been very happy if JoWood had detailed these "new rules" a bit). Together with the new weapons, armor types and monsters, the Gothic 3 Forsaken Gods will also bring us around 20 hours of gameplay which, for an addon, sounds pretty nice. The game will be released by the end of the year.