Important guidelines to increase site traffic

Nov 30, 2006 08:48 GMT  ·  By

WebmasterWorld PubCon 2006 is a conference that brings together many of the most important persons related to the Internet life, being sponsored by Google, Yahoo, and many other companies. Because the conference has ended, Google decided to publish the most important questions and answers that will help webmasters increase their site traffic.

"Q: How do I increase the visibility of my site in search results? A: There are many factors that can impact visibility of your site in search results. We outlined just a few tips that can make a big difference to increasing your site's visibility in Google search results. First, you should ensure your site has quality content that is unique. Second, have quality sites link to your site. Third, submit a Sitemap to let us know about all the URLs on your site. Fourth, sign up for a webmaster tools account to get information how about Google sees your site, such as crawl errors, indexing details, and top queries to your site. Lastly, you can visit Webmaster Central and Webmaster Help Center for more webmaster related questions and resources," was the first question and answer published by Anita Yuen, member of the Webmaster Tools Team.

"Q: What is this new ad placement feature for AdSense and how come I don't see it in my account? A: Ad placements are publisher-defined groups of ad units that advertisers will see when searching for places where they can target their ads. If you don't yet see it in your AdSense account, it's because we've been slowly rolling out this feature to everyone. This exciting feature will be available to all publishers in the next few weeks, so be sure to keep an eye out."

"Q: What's the easiest way to put a searchable Google Map on my web page? A: Use the Map Search Wizard to design a Google Map for your page. The wizard will write all of the code for you; all you need to do is copy and paste the code into your web page, and your users will see your location on a map."

I think these three questions and answers are the most important from the ones published by Google. If you still have important questions to ask Google, feel free to mail them or send a feedback from a form placed on every service's official webpage.