A glove and a pair if “image” detector sensors are mentioned

Aug 21, 2012 13:28 GMT  ·  By

Seeing how ugly patent wars can get, IT companies are filing patent applications much sooner than practical applications could possibly have a chance to appear.

Google's glove controller, as we've decided to call it, is one such patent.

We've already seen a keyboard gauntlet for phones and wearable displays, but Google's technology works differently.

That is to say, it is not something that lets the glove itself try to “feel” the movements of the palm and fingers. Neither does it integrate keys into the material, only for wearers to touch which they wish.

Instead, Google's illustration references a pair of detectors that record “images” of an environment, and then determine gestures based on the movement calculated between them.

Thus, simply drawing a letter in the air will allow a computer to recognize it for what it is (the schematic uses “J”).