The giant search engine gathers more and more lawsuits

Nov 30, 2006 14:08 GMT  ·  By

Authors Guild and a group of publishers decided last year to sue Google, saying that the company made copies of books and published them to be available to anyone on the Internet. They reclaimed Google at the New York federal court because the giant search engine used those books without an approval.

Today, Yahoo rejected Google's request to learn more about the process of making digital copies of the books, leaving Google in a huge avalanche of lawsuits.

This decision comes after another judge decided to order Google to remove all the information posted online related to Johnston County residents, as Peter Da Vanzo said in his blog.

"A judge on Wednesday ordered to remove remnants of personal information on Johnston County residents that still show up on its search engine. Johnston County officials mistakenly posted a file with thousands of names, addresses, Social Security numbers and cell phone numbers on the county Web site. Officials said the information might have been online for as much as six weeks before it was removed?but getting the information removed from Google took a court order".

It seems like Google's fate is to fight with the huge number of complaints, although the number of satisfied customers and clients is bigger every day.