Based on interoperability with YouTube

May 25, 2007 21:06 GMT  ·  By

Nathan Stoll, a Google product manager working for Google News gave an interview for Computerworld, offering some hot information about the company's plans concerning the news service. Among a lot of innovative features, it seems that the Mountain View firm intends to insert video content into the headlines, offering a more detailed article. Basically, it can be done with ease because Google is also the owner of YouTube, the online video sharing service that provides the embedded feature that allows anybody to insert a clip into any webpage.

"We don't want to preannounce any features but our Google News philosophy is to give users access to all the perspectives on a news story. To the extent that a lot of those are in video and becoming available online, we'd certainly love to make those perspectives available and easily discoverable. With the YouTube team, working hard, it's certainly an area we'd like to make progress in. It's true that lots of publishers have asked us about our plans, whether or not we're planning [to include video] because they'd like to get added traffic to their video content. There's certainly a need out there," the Google employee said.

Google News is a web-based service that receives headlines from approximately 4500 sources, the product publishing only the title while the content redirects the users to the author's page. Although Google News brings a lot of traffic for numerous websites, the parent company Google was often criticized because it receives praises for the content offered by other publishers. The case was even more complicated when several Belgian newspapers decided to file a complaint against Google for copyright infringement. The publications were claiming that the search giant uploaded their titles without authorization. A Belgian court ordered Google to remove their headlines from the page and avoid the future indexing of their news.