To save energy

Aug 10, 2007 07:50 GMT  ·  By

Google gets involved into all kinds of campaigns and some time ago, it announced that the search giant fights to save energy in order to reduce the climate change. This is quite a commendable attempt started by Google and it's obvious the Mountain View company needs help to reach its final goals. In the past, it was rumored that a potential black version of the Google's official search page would reduce the energy usage because the monitors require more energy to display a white background. Today, Bill Weihl, Green Energy Czar, gives some tips to the users interested in helping the search giant reduce the energy usage and denies the rumors, sustaining that a black Google would be even more damaging for the climate.

"We applaud the spirit of the idea, but our own analysis as well as that of others shows that making the Google homepage black will not reduce energy consumption. To the contrary, on flat-panel monitors (already estimated to be 75% of the market), displaying black may actually increase energy usage," he said.

As a tip to reduce the energy, you're encouraged to turn off your computer and your monitors when you're not using them. In addition, you can buy only new computers that meet the Climate Savers Computing standards as well as reducing the brightness of your monitor. "Turn on the power management features. Virtually all computers today have the ability to switch into low-power modes automatically when they're idle; very few computers have this capability enabled!"

In the recent period, Google made a lot of efforts to contribute to reducing the climate change and, even if some of those tricks might sound a little bit stupid, they can become important if a huge number of consumers join the program supported by the Mountain View company.