Easily develop and publish HTML websites

Oct 22, 2007 17:13 GMT  ·  By

Google Page Creator is an online service provided by the Google company, which allows you to create and publish a website using an online wizard and a WYSIWYG HTML editor.

To have HTML knowledge is not necessarily a must because you will develop the website using predefined templates and the visual tools will guide you too easily. In order to be able to access this service, you must create a Google Gmail account. The name of your account will appear on the website URL address which will be of a form: http://youraccountname.googlepages.com.

You can change the default template by selecting a new one from the "Change Look" menu. You can also change the page layout, by choosing one of the predefined layouts. The changes made to your web pages are automatically saved. From the Site Manager section you can control many aspects concerning your website, such as editing or creating a new page, uploading files, space disk usage, publishing or unpublishing edited web pages and more.

You can add many gadgets to your website only with the click of a link: whether forecasts, date and time, Google Talk, calendars, live TV channels and more. The HTML code of webpages is also editable. After you finished editing your web pages, then you should perform a preview before publishing the website, in order to correct the possible errors. But if you want to edit the HTML pages meta tags, you will notice that you do not have access to them.

The images can be edited to suit your website needs. The web space provided for your website hosting is 100MB in size. This service is rapid, safe and recommended to those who are beginners or do not want to buy a commercial web hosting account.