New book concerning the famous search engine

Aug 13, 2007 08:29 GMT  ·  By

A new book concerning the famous Google search technology is currently in labs as Philipp Lenssen from Google Blogoscoped and the folks from O'Reilly's Maker Media group signed a deal to release "Google Office Hack" in the upcoming months. Obviously, this publication will contain hidden tricks, tips, secrets and valuable information about most of the Google products such as Gmail, YouTube, Google Analytics, iGoogle, Google Docs & Spreadsheets and many other solutions.

Philipp Lenssen didn't provide a release date for the book but it seems like he plans to create an interactive creation process because even you can contribute to the writings. For example, you can contact the editors to send them hacks and tips or even ask your questions in order to get an answer in the book.

"In particular, my editor Brian Jepson and I will focus on hacking the Google office "into shape" for tasks where there is just no official Google menu entry, setting or button to do this in any "normal" way. Also, hacks will show advanced program uses, or just give you ideas for creative workarounds. For instance, yesterday I wrote a chapter on how to automatically add a linked Table of Contents to your Google document using a bookmarklet," Philipp Lenssen wrote on Google Blogoscoped.

What's most interesting about this upcoming book is that it is entirely created in Google Docs, the document editor powered by the Mountain View company.

As you might have heard, there are several books available in the stores and especially in the online shops that might reveal some unexpected tips and tricks to be used on Google. However, Google Office Hacks can represent an encyclopedia for the errors encountered while using the search technology because the editors intend to write as an interactive discussion.

"What we're looking for are both problems and solutions. A problem could be, "How do I do X and Y in Google Spreadsheets?", and that's great input because it might inspire a solution. A solution, on the other hand, is a hack you saw somewhere or invented yourself that solves one of these problems in the "Google OS."