Specify your favorite sources et voilla!

Dec 18, 2007 08:31 GMT  ·  By

The News from Google are quite interesting to follow. Not because of the information provided, which is top notch and I just had to mention it, but because of the constant updates that are being made by the dev team in order to optimize the algorithm, the search modality, the updating of the sources and so on and so forth. I'm not sure I have ever heard of any news site that works as assiduously in order to go for the gold.

The latest addition or, better said, latest revealing, from Google News came in the voices of Sheng Yu and Sean Wan, Software Engineers with the team who highlighted the newly added search option. From now on, you'll have the liberty to choose the sources of information to be those that you trust the most, for example, they say: "try using our site operator along with a keyword, like this: [site:iht.com Paris]. Or you can also use our advanced news search page. Just type the source name into the news source box and click the search button, and you'll get stories from the source you want."

Even if you have forgotten all or part of the source name, you shouldn't despair, instead of racking your brain for the missing information, you can just type in the words you remember and the search results will only display the news that have the respective keywords included in the source name.

Other than that, you could use the new smarter advanced news search page. What it does is that it basically gives you a drop down list when typing the name of the source in the respective box. Selecting one of those will result in the displaying of only articles from that particular source and, in case you just typed some keywords, only articles including them will be returned. Precise? just how it should be.