The best place to find cookie recipes is Google' News' Sci/Tech tab

Dec 13, 2007 12:03 GMT  ·  By

It's not been a week since I talked about the all new all improved Google News Algorithm that was supposed to make the reading news experience a lot more closer and intense with the latest updates on all the stories that might have caught your fancy.

I'm not sure why a story about "Grasshopper Chocolate Chunk Cookies" might be relevant in the Sci/Tech area lest I see need for it to be updated with the latest data, but that's where it was and according to the Google employee that blogged about the algorithm it was under constant covering. Ok, I might be pulling your leg on the last one, but it's because the whole deal seems so improbable that it's open for any and all additions.

We know that there are always a few glitches in every single program and application immediately after they are launched, because the testing phase cannot encompass every single thing that it might encounter on the way. This must be the first one that I've seen with Google News, and I'm quite certain that there aren't many more. After all, they've had pretty much experience with developing and upgrading the way stories are indexed, there should be no reason for anything of the sort to happen any more. But then again, that was the case before this happened, so?

What else is there to say except that this proves that Google is also? human? sort of, and not a humongous money-making machine with little respect for personal privacy (and I say that thinking about the data collecting they do). I wonder, though, why that particular story made it there, what was the trigger that sent it on its way to the category it never should have gotten into and, if so, is that something replicable in order to get Santa children stories to get to the business sections?