With its new search volume data statistics

Jul 9, 2008 16:23 GMT  ·  By

Google has introduced a new feature in order to help its advertisers have a better view of the market. The search volume data are statistics that show the number of queries performed in the past on Google and the affiliate search network that matches the current keywords.

Trevor Claiborne, Inside AdWords team member, posted on the Google official blog some of the advantages that the new feature brings to advertisers. Their account can be structured more efficiently - an advertising group based on a term considered particularly eloquent can be established. Another useful aspect that search volume data brings is an early budget planning - knowing the available traffic for the chosen keywords helps advertisers plan the right allocation of their resources. The third advantage comes from the fact that the keywords can be chosen from the ones that are more likely to return proper results for Google's clients.

The new feature also brings some novelties that should be considered before using it. One of them is the confirmation, made by Google, that the usage of keywords depends on many factors, like special events, seasons dynamic, etc. Advertisers can make a selection of the countries or regions in which the keywords are spread. But even if they do not do that, the region they live in and the language spoken there may have an influence over the results.

The keyword matching options are: broad, phrase and exact match, along with the negative keyword. Each of them will trigger different advertising solutions, as the author of the post explains. The volume statistics can also differ according to a data range. Google's clients or affiliates can choose to have either displayed statistics of the last month, or average statistics illustrating the evolution of the last 12 months.