Mashup editor to build maps

May 31, 2007 09:42 GMT  ·  By

Google introduced Mashup Editor, an online service that allows users to create their own mashups in a matter of minutes without having to use too complex applications. "The Google Mashup Editor provides simple tools and features that allow you to create mashups in minutes," Google describes the solution. Along with a useful set of tags compatible with AJAX UI components and syntax highlighting, the new service provides quick access to documentation, file upload and management and error checking and notification. At this time, the Google Mashup Editor is available only to a limited number of developers, the parent company aiming to test it before the product will be available to all the users.

"Google Mashup Editor is an AJAX development framework and a set of tools that enable developers to quickly and easily create simple web applications and mashups with Google services like Google Maps and Google Base. Google Mashup Editor is a great tool for grabbing information from feeds and letting users see and manipulate it," Google describes the tool. "Creating applications with Google Mashup Editor is simple and uses technologies you're familiar with. With our declarative XML tags, JavaScript, CSS, and HTML, you can build applications in less time and with less work."

As I expected, the application was presented at the Developer Day conference that started today and was hosted by the search giant Google. As I said when the event was announced by the Mountain View company, the conference is somehow similar to Apple's Wordwide Developers Conference, a meeting used by the company to introduce new solutions on the market. As far I can see, I was right, so we should probably expect new services prepared by the search giant and introduced these days. If you want to be informed when you're able to test the recently introduced product, you should visit the official page of Google Mashup Editor.