Network apologizes for faux-pas during live stream of the awards gala

Jan 13, 2014 08:45 GMT  ·  By

E! really put their foot in their mouth during the live stream of the Golden Globes 2014, because of a faux-pas they let slip in their trivia segment. It included Michael J. Fox’s Parkinson’s diagnosis among other “fun facts.”

You can see a screenshot of the offensive “trivia” above. It was not shown on TV but those tuning in for the Globes and the pre-awards red carpet ceremony online immediately picked up on it and took to Twitter and other social media to complain.

Eventually, E! issued an apology but, as of now, not everybody is buying what they’re selling with it.

“We regret the insensitive classification of Michael J. Fox's Parkinson's diagnosis during our Eonline live stream. We understand the serious nature of the disease and sincerely apologize,” the network says in a statement.

Other “fun facts” included one about how there is not afterlife, “just eternal nothingness,” another one about how 37 cats died during the making of “Inside Llewyn Davis,” and another one about how Robert Redford was “stricken with polio as a child.”

One might say that whoever came up with this trivia has a very sinister sense of humor.