In just three easy steps

Jun 14, 2008 08:16 GMT  ·  By

They say you can see into a person's soul and learn everything there's to know about them by looking into their eyes. Or at their hands. But when it comes to finding out more about a woman, the situation does tend to get a bit complicated, given there are so many things you can look at, like her manicure, her shoes, her makeup (if any), her clothes and, probably one of the most overlooked detail of the lot, her eyebrows.

Since we are under such a massive siege from giant cosmetics manufacturers telling us what lotion, foundation and lipstick (to name just a few) to use, we often forget that beauty should come, first and foremost, from us - so a well defined and perfectly manicured eyebrow, providing contour to the face and highlighting our best features might be just the perfect place to start. Here are three easy steps to those perfect brows you've always dreamed of and that you never seem to get just right.

Of course, there's always the option of heading into a beauty parlor, where you can have someone, a professional, do it for you. Then again, that also means you have to go with whatever is being done to your face so, naturally, learning to tweeze your brows just like you want them (and we all know that there's never such a thing as too much emphasis on that last part) is important. Start by drawing a line with a white eyepencil, marking the exact shape you want to achieve for your brows. Don't rush things and do take your time because the shape you get will be the one you'll be stuck with for at least another few months.

Next step is probably the trickiest of them all, as you have to start plucking all the hairs that are outside the shape you just drew. Unless you want to end up looking droopy and/or constantly sad, it's best you avoid plucking the hairs from above the eyebrows - stylists' golden rule says you must tweeze the hairs only beneath and above the brow. Then again, you must also make sure you don't pluck too many hairs from beneath, otherwise the result will also be tragic since you'll end up with what is called the "constantly surprised" look.

The final step is that of filling in the gaps, if there is any to talk about. Take a pencil in the same exact color as your brows and make them stand out from the rest of your face. As an extra option, you can also apply brow powder two shades lighter than that of the pencil, for a more dramatic effect. Now, since you're all pretty and set as far as eyebrows go, you can start applying your regular makeup. Hearts await to be broken, as they say.