Bach's entire work selling with an iPod

Dec 17, 2008 11:59 GMT  ·  By
Get your hands on Passionato's limited offer: a 120 GB iPod classic loaded with Bach's complete works, backup DVDs, and haedphones, for $750
   Get your hands on Passionato's limited offer: a 120 GB iPod classic loaded with Bach's complete works, backup DVDs, and haedphones, for $750

Ever dreamed of having the complete works of Johann Sebastian Bach one day? Well, if you're such a fan, now's the perfect time to get them, as they are now coming as a part of a cool offer... involving the ubiquitous iPod. We're talking about a limited edition offer from Passionato, one of the planet's most revered and comprehensive online resources for classical music. You can get your hands on each and every piece of music known to have been recorded, and receive it in a neat package, stored on an iPod Classic.

The Apple player is a 120 GB one, and the only thing missing form all this offer is a special design for this product. Imagine how cool a Bach-themed iPod would look – it could effortlessly rival the U2 iPod and many other custom design players available.

The music comes from renowned German label Hänssler. Even more, the famous Bach conductor Helmuth Rilling has been aided by “Thomas Quasthoff, Christoph Prégardien, Christine Schäfer and many other fantastic soloists, ensembles, choirs and orchestras on this truly outstanding set of award-winning recordings,” as Passionato itself declares. Therefore, you'll not only get to listen to absolutely every piece of music Bach has written, but also be able to enjoy one of the best players and conductors in a truly unique collection.

You get more than 175 hours of continuous Bach music, which will definitely take you quite a while to go through. Furthermore, with all this, you still have some 63 GB free storage on your iPod, because the tracks are encoded in 128 kb AAC format. Indeed, not the best quality a classic music lover would die for, but if we compare the prices for this digital collection with the same amount of the music in CD format, the difference is not to be taken lightly. You'd have to fork out almost $1,000 in order to get the whole Bach collection on CD, and then spend some serious time ripping it for your portable player.

At the same time, the package comes with 3 backup DVDs, so that you won't lose your music in case your Apple player kicks the bucket or gets stolen. This limited offer lasts until December 15th, and for the price of $750 you'll get your 120 GB iPod Classic loaded with the digital songs, the 3 backup DVDs, and the headphones.

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