A complimentary Palm from one of the web retailers.

Dec 12, 2006 15:19 GMT  ·  By

I always wondered about why some companies would give away free stuff and what would they get from this. Freebies are offered every day through e-mail spam and - as ironical as it may sound - through text messages. We have to pay for them and they also pay them but it seems they really get something from it.

Does anyone go to a store advertised through an unsolicited SMS? It happens to me two or three times a week to receive such SMSs and I don't do it. Why? I don't know, but I can tell you one thing. It annoys me beyond belief when I have to stop doing what I'm doing at the moment to read a text message that doesn't have anything to do with what I consider worthy of my attention.

There are also free things offered that are exactly what I would tag as something important and valuable enough to get your attention whatever you might be doing. One of those things is the free Treo 680 offered by web retailers. How come it is free? Well, you are required to do some work for it, this meaning you will have to mail in a number of rebates, something that will take a pretty big amount of your time and that adds up as quite a navigational challenge.

However, whatever you might think right know after you have heard about the lost time during the process I suppose this will be a time wisely spend if you end up with a brand new (and free) Treo Graphite 680, a handset that will normally cost you a whopping 399.95 $.

What are the rebates? Well, first is the Cingular mail-in rebate, next is the Customer appreciation mail-in rebate, followed by the Data feature mail-in rebate and some other additional rebates that will, in the end, give you access to your own Palm freebie.

The stores I have found aboutand which offer this deal are the mytreo.net and the inphonic.com, online stores that will deliver the handset in 1 or 2 days depending on the area you reside in.

The final catch? Yes, there is a catch :). If you haven't figured this out until now, after reading the rebate list I wrote down for you above, if you really want this phone that bad you will also get a Cingular Wireless account with all the bads and the goods it will bring you.